How ironic that my story’s most everyday-cool watch should be from perfect replica Hublot UK. The brand blasted press releases with clear sky-blue sapphire cases and multi-complex series-coupled barrels, but that’s no surprise. There was even an ultra-cool orange ceramic Big Bang, but the everyday charm of Grade 5 titanium got to me. At €13,600, the luxury fake Hublot Big Bang Integrated 38mm is way pricier than, say, the titanium Tudor Pelagos FXD.

Instead, it fights the €14K cheap fake Rolex Yacht-Master 42. And that pretty much sums it up. It’s not a tool watch, and it does not have the cachet of the “YM.” But I love its looks, and the “BBI” is a great interpretation of the integrated-bracelet chic everyone wants a piece of. It is a tougher, more defined version of the genre, and the 38mm size is much more comfortable than 42. So you can keep your Yacht-Master prestige.
And sure, I love the lightweight comfort of titanium, don’t get me wrong, but the rose gold version is even sweeter. King Gold, best 1:1 replica Hublot’s proprietary alloy, is delightfully lustrous and warm, especially with a satin finish. However, at a mad €49,100, this is a seriously overpriced 38mm watch. That doesn’t detract from its balanced design, Big Pilot-like numeral legibility, and desirability. The titanium version, however, is a very interesting lateral move by aaa quality super clone Hublot UK, and I’m all for it. More, please.